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Hello commission collectors,

If you are interested in obtaining a commission from one of my represented artists, either Esad Ribic or Reilly Brown, please let me know! I will always be available to discuss it with you.

Esad Ribic

These are available for mail order. Turn around will be a couple months as he has to do these at his home in Croatia then mail them to me. Starting at $1,000 for a single figure full watercolor on 12" x 16" paper. For some backgrounds it's $1,250. Two figures is $2,000, with some backgrounds and extra detail on an oversized board it's $2,500. Smaller busts and sketch covers are $500.

Reilly Brown

Email me directly with interest: and I will get a quote for you on Reilly depending on what you want done.



Disclaimer: Commissions are only available for our represented artists: Esad Ribic and Reilly Brown. Just because we have galleries for other artists does not mean that we can get a commission from them for you.